Original - Cartus Toner Original Black Dell M795K (593-10500)
Cod Produs
The genuine black Dell 593-10500 original black toner cartridge, also known as Dell M795K toner, is aimed at budget-conscious users who would like to reduce their cost-per-page ratio without affecting the quality of their monochrome documents. The Dell 593-10500 black toner can produce sharper and crisper text, while graphics can have the finest and most distinctive lines. This black Dell M795K cartridge is also made to be resilient for easy installation and replacement when it runs out. It also warms up faster so the machine can start printing and users can save time. The sturdy construction of the Dell M795K printer toner also guarantees cleaner and mess-free output.
OEM | 593-10500, 59310500, M795K |
Consumabil | Original |
Tip Consumabil | Cartus Toner |
Culoare | Negru |
Ciclu de Functionare | Approx. 3,500 pages @ 5% average coverage |
IP Safe | Da |
Prețul produsului include costul aferent colectării, tratării și eliminării DEEE. Colectarea acestor produse se realizează în mod gratuit.
Caracteristicile tehnice prezentate pot conţine mici inadvertenţe. Fotografia are caracter informativ şi poate conţine accesorii neincluse în pachetele standard. Unele specificaţii pot fi modificate de către producător fără preaviz sau pot conţine erori de operare. Facem eforturi permanente pentru a păstra acurateţea informaţiilor.
Negru | 3500 Pagini |
Compatibil | Dell |
Serii Compatibile | Dell |
Modele Compatibile | Dell 2230d |
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