Original - Cartus Inkjet Original Capacitate Mare Light Cyan Epson T6065 - (C13T606500)
Cod Produs

Do you regularly print large amounts of colour documents? The light cyan Epson C13T606500 ink cartridge could be exactly what you need to keep your printer running smoothly. The Epson C13T606500 ink cartridge is a high capacity cartridge which is able to hold 220ml of ink, as opposed to the standard size of 110ml. This means that the Epson C13T606500 ink cartridge will be able to keep you printing and you won't have to constantly replace your cyan cartridge. The Epson C13T606500 ink cartridge is made to be durable and long-lasting, so once you've installed the Epson C13T606500 ink cartridge you won't have to worry about it for a longer period of time.
OEM | C13T606500, T6065 |
Consumabil | Original |
Tip Consumabil | Cartus Inkjet |
Culoare | Cyan Deschis |
Capacitate | 220 ml |
Capacitate Mare | Da |
IP Safe | Da |
Prețul produsului include costul aferent colectării, tratării și eliminării DEEE. Colectarea acestor produse se realizează în mod gratuit.
Caracteristicile tehnice prezentate pot conţine mici inadvertenţe. Fotografia are caracter informativ şi poate conţine accesorii neincluse în pachetele standard. Unele specificaţii pot fi modificate de către producător fără preaviz sau pot conţine erori de operare. Facem eforturi permanente pentru a păstra acurateţea informaţiilor.
Compatibil | Epson |
Serii Compatibile | Epson Stylus Pro |
Modele Compatibile | Epson Stylus Pro 4800 Epson Stylus Pro 4880 |
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